Letter to the Editor
Readers are encouraged to submit letters for publication that include opinions on matters of local events and current interest that offer vital contributions to our readers. For verification purposes, letters must include phone number, writer's home address and email address. Author's name will be published.
Editor reserves the right to edit letters for length and libelous content, but will NOT edit for grammatical, punctuation, or typing errors.
Editor reserves the right to decline publication.
Letters submitted for publication must not be more than 350 words.
For letters to be considered to appear in Wednesday's Adams-Friendship Times-Reporter, Deadline is Friday 10 a.m. on Frieday, the week prior to publication.
Letters advocating political endorsements or letters deemed political, including statistical data, will not be published two weeks (two issues) prior to an election.
Letters published do not reflect the views of the Adams Friendship Times-Reporter Newspaper.